Are You Ready to Learn Online?

Student Skills Quiz

Please answer the following questions as accurately as you can. You will receive your score and immediate feedback after submitting the quiz:

Question 1

My motivation for taking online classes is...

Question 2

I am someone who...

Question 3

I would rate my reading ability as...

Question 4

Choose the statement below that best fits you:

Question 5

I best understand information when it is presented in...

Question 6

I have...

Question 7

The amount of time I expect to spend on an online course is...

Question 8

I am someone who...

Question 9

Face to face social interaction with both my instructors and classmates is...

Question 10

Considering my work schedule/life circumstances, the amount of time I have to work on an online course is...

What do your scores mean?

Question 1:

10 pts. Students who feel online is their only option for an education tend to be highly motivated online students.

8 pts. Students who have other options for an education tend not to be highly motivated online students.

6 pts. You will need to clarify your motivation for taking online classes in order to be successful.

Question 2:

10 pts. It is essential for online students to read directions very carefully.

8 pts. Not reading directions carefully can result in a misunderstanding of material.

6 pts. It is not possible to be successful in an online class without carefully reading directions.

Question 3:

10 pts. Since most content in an online class is learned through reading, strong reading skills are essential.

8 pts. Since most content in an online class is learned through reading, you may need to improve your reading skills to be successful.

6 pts. Since most content in an online class is learned through reading, low reading skills will greatly reduce your chances of being successful in an online class.

Question 4:

10 pts. Since all communication from student to instructor in an online class is written, strong writing skills are essential to be successful.

8 pts. Since all communication from the student to instructor in an online class is written, you may need to improve your writing skills to be successful in taking online classes.

6 pts. Since all communication from the student to instructor in an online class is written, you will not be successful in taking online classes if your have difficulty expressing yourself in writing.

Question 5:

10 pts. Since most content in an online class is presented in a visual format, you are more likely to be successful if you learn in this way.

8 pts. Since most content in an online class is presented in a visual format, you may need to consider whether it is possible for you to learn in this way.

6 pts. Since most content in an online class is presented in a visual format, you are not likely to be successful if it is difficult for you to learn in this way.

Question 6:

10 pts. Highly developed computer skills are important when taking an online class.

8 pts. Highly developed computer skills are important when taking an online class. You may need to work on your computer skills to be successful.

6 pts. Highly developed computer skills are important when taking an online class. You will not be successful if you do not improve your computer skills.

Question 7:

10 pts. Most students have found that online classes are at least as time consuming as campus classes and sometimes more time consuming. Allowing enough time for your online classes is essential.

8 pts. Most students have found that online classes are at least as time consuming as campus classes and sometimes more time consuming. It may be necessary for you to increase the amount of time you plan to spend on taking online classes.

6 pts. Most students have found that online classes are at least as time consuming as campus classes and sometimes more time consuming. You will not be successful if you do not commit more time to taking online classes.

Question 8:

10 pts. Strong time-management and self-discipline skills are essential when taking an online class.

8 pts. Strong time-management and self-discipline skills are essential when taking an online class. You may need to improve these skills in order to be successful in taking online classes.

6 pts. Strong time-management and self-discipline skills are essential when taking an online class. You will not be successful in taking online classes if you lack these skills.

Question 9:

10 pts. Since face to face contact is not part of our online classes, you will be more successful if this contact is not important to your educational experience.

8 pts. Since face to face contact is not part of our online classes, you will need to consider how important this contact is in your educational experience.

6 pts. Since face to face contact is not part of our online classes, you will have difficulty in online classes if this contact is essential to your educational experience.

Question 10:

10 pts. The weekly hour requirement for an online class is the same as an onsite class. Expect to spend 7-9 hours a week for a three unit online class.

8 pts. The weekly hour requirement for an online class is the same as an onsite class. Expect to spend 7-9 hours a week for a three unit online class. If you plan to take a three unit class, you will need to devote more time to the class.

6 pts. The weekly hour requirement for an online class is the same as an onsite class. Expect to spend 7-9 hours a week for a three unit online class. You do not have enough time available to take a three unit online class.

Total Score:

If your score is 90-100: Online classes are a good option for you. You have many characteristics of the successful online student

If your score is 75-90: Online classes may work for you. Consult your online counselor to further discuss whether online education is an option for you and consider enrolling in Cerro Coso Community College's "How to Be a Successful Online Student."

If your score is below 75: Online classes may not the best option for you at this time. We would highly recommend taking Cerro Coso Community College's "How to Be a Successful Online Student" class. Please contact the online counselor.

You might consider printing this page and taking it with you to your next academic advising session.

Go to the Technical Skills Quiz

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