Beshwate Preserving the Past

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

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When asked what he was looking forward to most in his new role as a full-time History instructor at Cerro Coso's Ridgecrest campus, Benjamin Beshwate said he is excited about "being a part of a campus community again".

Benjamin has been teaching history and political science classes at the college online and at the Kern River Valley and East Kern campuses since 2010, while also teaching for College of the Sequoias in Visalia. "The traveling made it difficult to feel a part of the campus community," he said. "I'm really looking forward to interacting with the students and staff and attending sporting events and activities on campus."

Inspired by a college history professor to teach at the college level, Benjamin finds teaching at the community college level gives him the most influence on students. An avid reader, he has always been interested in history, but college is where he really settled on a career as a teacher. If you think history is simply a record of names and dates, think again. History provides students with the critical thinking, high-tech research, project development, and excellent writing and presentation skills they need to succeed in life.

Burned out, stressed out, and exhausted, Benjamin took time off after graduating with his Master's Degree and traveled 8,000 miles across the country to visit and reconnect with friends and family members who had scattered over the years. He made a stop in New Orleans and experienced firsthand the wild and crazy Carnival (Mardi Gras). In addition to reading, Benjamin is a San Francisco Giants fan and enjoys cooking and sporting events. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in History from Humboldt State University and a Master's Degree in History from CSU Fresno.

WELCOME Benjamin to Team Cerro Coso!

For further information, please contact Natalie Dorrell, Public Information (760) 384-6260