From the Beach to the Desert for Mora

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

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Meeting with a college counselor is one of the first steps for students on the road to success in higher education; and finding the right academic fit for each student can be a daunting task. New counselor at the Ridgecrest campus René Mora is qualified and up for the job. Helping people to take that next step in life is what Mora loves most about his work, "especially students who are unsure of their next step," said Mora.

Born in Mexico, Mora moved to the Central Valley of California when he was 9 years old. He grew up in Fresno, and went on to earn his Bachelor's Degree from UC Berkley in Psychology with two minors: Education and African American Studies. Prior to moving to Southern California to work on his Master's degree, Mora decided to take a break from his schooling and spent 6 weeks backpacking through Mexico. The unforgettable experience allowed him to explore the beautiful culture, diverse landscapes, and unique towns of Mexico that are rich with people, traditions, artistry, and wonderful food.

While working on his Master's Degree in School Counseling from Cal State Long Beach, Mora spent 5 years as an instructional assistant in a middle school. He enjoys playing golf and admits to being a college football fan. "CalBears" is his team of choice.

In addition to his Master's Degree in School Counseling from Cal State Long Beach, Mora holds a PPS credential that allows him to counsel K-12 children, and a community college certification.

Mora made the not so easy transition from the beautiful beaches of Long Beach to the deserts of Ridgecrest with his best friend and girlfriend Ana. WELCOME Oski fan René Mora to Cerro Coso!

For further information, please contact Natalie Dorrell, Public Information (760) 384-6260