Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise Class at Cerro Coso

Friday, May 17, 2013

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Summer is here and the Cerro Coso Community College Office of Community Education is offering a class in Nutrition, Diet, & Exercise that can help you get beach body ready. The class will meet on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5 to 6 p.m., May 21, 2013 through June 12, 2013.

If you collected some extra inches, or have trouble starting an exercise or healthy diet routine, this non-credit class can help. Learn why it is difficult to get motivated to exercise and eat healthy on some days and new techniques to motivate yourself to look forward to exercise and healthy eating.

Sam Basco will instruct the course focusing on weight management, building muscle, and regulating metabolism. Acquire insight on how to identify all the nutrients necessary for optimum health and create customized meal plans in this information packed course designed to help students succeed in their diet and exercise goals.

Other topics covered will include how to create a positive attitude toward exercise, how to build self-confidence in your own ability to exercise and eat right, and how to create and maintain goals for an exercise routine and healthy diet based on personal needs.

The fee for this class is $45 per person. Learn to control what passes those lips and watch the pounds drop from your hips.

For detailed information on this class - and for registration forms - visit the college on the web at or contact Joann Clark, Community Education Manager, at (760) 384-6106 or at

For further information, please contact Natalie Dorrell, Public Information (760) 384-6260