Author, Speaker, and Life Enthusiast Leslie Stein to lecture at CCCC March 14th

Monday, March 4, 2013

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The Student Government of Cerro Coso Community College invites the community to join them for a FREE lecture by Leslie Stein on Thursday, March 14th, 2013 at 6 p.m. in the Student Center on the Ridgecrest campus.

Life enthusiast Leslie Stein uncovers insights on turning everyday experiences into a-ha moments based on the premise that what you truly want is available NOW...even if you can't always see it. Leslie uses insights from her book "Penny Perspectives: Let Go of Happily Ever After & Invest in Happily Ever NOW!" to take you on a journey of discovery that will teach you to see things as you've never seen them before. You'll begin to find life lessons in your daily routine and gain new appreciation for things that used to drive you bonkers.

Every little thing in your life can be created from (instead of pushed against!)...and may turn out to be exactly what you need to get you where you want to go. Like the pennies that inspire Leslie's stories, you can step over these little things and keep living as you always have. Or you can start focusing on them and see that everything you truly want has been right beneath your feet all along.

Leslie Stein isn't like most other speakers. She draws on all the parts of her unique background to keep her keynotes and workshops engaging, thought provoking, and a little bit entertaining! From stories about the challenges of being a cadet at West Point to tales from her time as a trapeze artist, she uses her experiences to connect with the audience on topics that matter like why she believes EVERYONE is a leader, making the most of difficult times or limited resources, and why it's better to cheer instead of complain when things aren't going well.

The lecture is funded by the Cerro Coso Student Development fund and is open to the public.

For further information, please contact Natalie Dorrell, Public Information (760) 384-6260