News Release

ESCC Campus

ESCC Offers Cyanotype Workshop in Mammoth Lakes

June 4, 2008

Cerro Coso will be offering a Cyanotype Workshop in Mammoth Lakes from Friday, June 20th through Sunday, June 22nd. Participants will learn the historic photographic process of blue printing, or cyanotype, using digital large format contact negatives and will work from existing analogue or digital photo files, or create negatives from other source materials. Virtually non-toxic and environmentally friendly, the cyanotype process renders the image in variations of brilliant Prussian blue tones and has been used for over a hundred and fifty years in photographic art practice.

The workshop (ART C060-90, CRN 50842) is only $10 for California residents plus a $5.00 special materials fee. Students may need to purchase additional supplies. For more information just email instructor Elizabeth Kenneday-Corathers, For more information call the Mammoth campus (760) 934-2875 or visit the website to register.

Elizabeth Kenneday-Corathers holds a master's in Painting and Photography from the Claremont Graduate University. As a previous professor of Art at the California State University, Long Beach, she has exhibited internationally and received numerous awards for her mixed media works that are held in public and private collections. She is currently living in June Lake, CA and creating portfolios of Sierra Nevada and Mono Basin landscapes.

Joann Handeland, Director of Public Information (760) 384-6230