News Release

ESCC Campus

Relief Print Making Course This Spring at Cerro Coso

January 17, 2008

Cerro Coso's Eastern Sierra College Center is pleased to announce that is it offering Relief Printmaking this spring semester. The Relief Printmaking course (ART C062, CRN: 32584) is perfect for anyone who likes to experiment with various art medium, from vegetables to wood.

Are you wondering what printmaking is? A relief print is an image created by a printmaking process, such as stencil printing, where the art medium is created to be printed on an original surface such as paper; then parts of the medium that are to be blank are cut away. Printing the image is therefore a relatively simple matter of inking the face of the medium and bringing it in firm contact with the paper. It's the best way to repeat an image multiple times without messing up.

Lori Michelon, the instructor, is a printmaker who has lived in the Eastern Sierra for over 20 years and has a Masters degree in Fine Arts from CSU Long Beach. For more information contact Michelon at 935-4464.

The Printmaking course will be held on Tuesdays from 3 to 6:30 p.m. beginning January 22 through May 13. The 1.5 unit class also includes a $25 special materials fee.
This course will be held at the Eastern Sierra College Center, Mammoth Campus.

For more information or to register visit the Mammoth or Bishop Campuses, or go online at Late registration is available through January 28.

Joann Handeland, Director of Public Information (760) 384-6230