News Release

ESCC Campus

CCCC Holds Articulation Conference

May 10, 2007

Cerro Coso Community College met with Bishop, Big Pine and Lone Pine High Schools at the Bishop campus on April 27th to begin the process of reviewing courses offered in the high schools that may be equivalent to college level courses. Six courses were determined to be eligible to form articulation agreements between the institutions. Course outlines, syllabi, student learning outcomes and final exams are compared to finalize these agreements. Once the agreements are in place, students taking courses in high school can receive college credit for those classes once they enter Cerro Coso Community College and complete 12 units of other college credit. "Articulation is a planned process that links two or more educational institutions together to facilitate a smooth transition for students to move from one, course, program, or educational level to the next, while minimizing or eliminating course repetition" stated Valerie Karnes Dean, Career Technical Education for Cerro Coso.

A follow up meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 26, 2007. All Inyo and Mono counties high schools are invited to attend and bring their faculty to discuss possible articulated courses. In addition to articulation of courses, faculty will be developing career pathways to identify course sequencing in high school and college. For additional information, contact Deanna Campbell at the Eastern Sierra College Center Campus (Bishop – 872-5301), (Mammoth – 924-1607)) or Valerie Karnes at the Indian Wells Valley campus (760-384-6258).

Faculty discuss articulation possibilities

Larry Board (right) discusses articulation with a faculty member

A large group of faculty meet to discuss articulation

Joann Handeland, Director of Public Information (760) 384-6230