Students attending Career Day
Over 100 Mono County high school and college students attended a Career Day on April 27, 2007 at Cerro Coso Community College Eastern Sierra College Center in Mammoth Lakes. This event was sponsored by the College and the Mammoth Lakes Rotary Club.

News Release

ESCC Campus

Career Day Held at College Campus in Mammoth Lakes

May 3, 2007

The Cerro Coso Community College Eastern Sierra College Center and the Mammoth Lakes Rotary Club hosted a Career Day on Friday, April 27, 2007 at the college campus in Mammoth Lakes. Over 100 Mono County high school and college students attended this special Career Day event which featured a series of career panels throughout the day. The College also provided guidance on educational programs, job placement and academic counseling.

In addition to students from the Eastern Sierra College Center, this event was attended by students from Eastern Sierra Academy, Bridgeport; High Desert Academy, Benton; Lee Vining High School; Mammoth High School; Mammoth Olympic Academy; and Sierra High School, Mammoth.

The Rotary Club arranged for over 30 speakers, all leaders in their respective fields, to share their insights and experiences with the students. Representatives from business, public safety, medicine, engineering, land use, art, design, hospitality, commerce, mass media, health, fitness, beauty, and other fields provided a wide spectrum of information and perspectives. "This was a very successful event. One common message given to the students was the value of education, hard work, and finding a career that you enjoy," stated Deanna Campbell, Director of Eastern Sierra College Center.

Joann Handeland, Director of Public Information (760) 384-6230