News Release

IWV Campus

Cerro Coso to Host "Coyote Idol" Talent Contest

March 21, 2007

The first ever "Coyote Idol Talent Contest" will be held on Friday, March 30 at 7:30 pm in the Cerro Coso Lecture Center. Tickets will be available at the door for $3.

Performances will include songs and monologues from a number of talented Cerro Coso students. There will also be a special performance by the College's "Who Said What Now?" Improv Troupe.

The contest will be critiqued by a "celebrity" panel, but the audience members' votes will determine the winner of Coyote Idol. Come on out and vote for your favorite act! Prizes will be awarded to the top performers. "This is an amazing array of talent, and the presentation is going to be a big surprise to everyone in attendance. This will truly be one incredible night of entertainment." said Joshua Horton, President of the Cerro Coso Theatre Arts Club. Coyote Idol is presented by the CCCC Theatre Arts Club.

Joann Handeland, Director of Public Information (760) 384-6230